The BHMA/ANSI Standard locks 

The BHMA/ANSI Standard locks 

High-security locks built to provide greater security against employed by criminals, saboteurs. The BHMA/ANSI standard locks provided grading.

The economic Locks Grades of The BHMA/ANSI Standard locks 

ANSI AND BHMA three types (first is GRADE-1, second is GRADE-2, third is GRADE-3) of grading categories.  given that to classify and certify commercial hardware by its quality and security level. 

  • Which type of Function and application provided
  • How much Strength to secure from a thief
  • Cycles 
  • Which level of security provided 
  • Material evaluation
  •   Finish available


In this locked all-strong, reliable, and top-class secure lock lies.

Grade 1 locks are considered active and provide the quality of security. Grade-1 locks hardware is the warranty for use on external doors and at high-traffic entry, sensitive building .this type of locks too much expansive. Installation of very difficult requires locksmith for the run-up.

Grade 2

The medium hardware lock lies in the grade-2. Also, use for external entry doors. Also provided the high-security’s price is medium, not too high, and nor to low.

Grade 3

Grade-3 standard level locks that usually use in homes such as bedroom door and all internal uses door. It provides a low level of is not expansive. Grade 3 door locks are also attested residential doors .due to installation is very easy.

 Verify the Grade of Hardware

 Verify the Grade of Hardware, ANSI/BHMA certification number, In general can found on the manual of a lock. 

Fail-Safe and Fail-Secure 


in case of fail-safehardware is unlocked automatically when the power off.


 houseware is lock automatically when the power off.


Fail-safe lock devices may provide that little bit low security because when the power of hardware automatically unlocks. So, it is not reliable and not too secure. On the other hand, fail-secure are opposite to fail-safe. 


All the locks and deadbolts provide the facility that on alarming situation exit to the building in both fail-safe and fail-secure cases.

Security locker in Florida and Tampa

Here are affordable prices lockers that have a Well installation lockers process. By using them, you can find Best chain locks in Tampa. Besides, Top Security lockers in Dade city are available, no matters you can use smart lockers in San Antonio too. In case you need, top locks in Zephyrhills you can contact us at Florida Lock Doctor Company. Best smart work door locks in Florida are very famous; also, you can apply the best smart work door locks in Tampa and Best smart work locks in Florida. There are also many BMW locks, Car keys, Car locksmith, Deadbolt Lock, deposit safe, digital deadbolt, door locks, home security system, locksmith, Locks, locksmith companies, locksmith industries, locksmith services in FloridaSan Antonio, Dade City, Tampa, and Zephyrhills.


  • Our locks provide high security and well installation.
  • Affordable prices locks
  • Well installation locks
  • Enough secure services
  • Doorknobs

If you need

  • Best door locks in Tampa.
  • Best smart work door lockers in Florida.
  • Top Security lockers in Dade city.
  • Smart lockers in San Antonio.
  • Top locks in Zephyrhills.

You can contact us.

For more about locks.




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