How to Avoid Losing Your Car Keys
Car keys are often incredibly easy to misplace, causing problems because are often strayed where you least expect. Avoid losing your car keys. This leads to scheduling issues and you don’t want that when it comes to your job or worse, girlfriend/wife. While there is no bulletproof way to ensure that you will never lose your car keys, here are some tips for you to consider and avoid reaching out for a locksmith.
1. Attach a key ring
If you have trouble staying close to your keys, a huge keychain might do the trick. This time, size does matter, because a small one can get unnoticed, and we don’t want that. This way, you’ll never lose again your keys in your purse or backpack. If your problem is that you never seem to remind yourself to pick off your keys, then simply attach them to something you surely can’t forget to bring with you – wallet or cellphone. Yes, some people actually attach them to the latter!
2. Set a reminder
Sticky notes can save your life! Or, in this case, time and money, because you can write down the spot where your keys are. Creating new habits takes practice and your memory often plays tricks on you.
3. Create a place of their own
Instead of dropping your keys wherever in your path, just place them in a single spot over and over again. In time, you’ll manage to create a habit that will help you. A key hook in your doorway is often a good idea. It really worked for yours truly!
4. It’s 2018, keep up with technology
Search out for a gadget that will always help you find them. Often, losing your car keys can negatively change an outcome that you’ve expected so dearly. No more! Car keys trackers use beeps or other sounds to help you find them so you’ll never have this problem again. And they’re actually cheaper than calling a locksmith.
5. Don’t be cheap, make a spare (or more)
Although your main goal should be to stop losing your keys, in the meantime you can make at least a spare to know that you’re covered, no matter what. You could keep it hidden in your jacket or in a backpack. The main issue is to not forget to put it back once you’ve used it.
6. Make them glow
It’s always helpful to be able to find them in the dark as well. Use your favorite color to make sure that your keys stand out even when you’re not directly looking.
Nevertheless, if you have been locked out of your car, truck, van, RV, or SUV, then a locksmith is a necessity and Florida Lock Doctor is the best choice on the market.
Not the cheapest, because quality comes at a price, but you don’t need to wait or tow your vehicle to the dealership for an additional fee. The team of lock surgeons can quickly operate, solving all cases of commercial problems, as well as automotive key-less remote systems, key replacements and push to start.
Image credit: FotoBader